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Private Classes Led by Jeannie

All Training Begins & Ends with Love

$27 ~ 1/2 hour

$47 ~ 1 hour

$97 ~ (4) 1/2 hour sessions

$177 ~ Timid/Fearful Dog with Tough Early Life ~ 1.5 hour session

*For those unable to meet with Jeannie in person to receive

intuitive guidance & direction regarding their animals' behaviors, health, training, etc

she also offers:

$111 ~ 1 hour Intuitive Phone Consultations

Dogs & their human guardians may need multiple classes to build their solid

connection & understanding of each other for their optimum relationship. Jeannie instructs actively via walks, as the walks are where dogs learn good manners & constructive responses for all kinds of encounters & interactions. Along the walks, their humans learn to establish themselves as pack leader & the relationship steadily evolves.

As an intuitive & animal interpreter, Jeannie is often able to help clear a dog's behavioral challenges that have bewildered his/her human guardian. By bringing awareness to the root cause, adjustments can be made to training approaches & responses. Dogs really love to be in harmony with their guardians; a bit of understanding of why things are out of synch between them can really go a long way. Jeannie's intention is for both dog & human guardian to complete their sessions feeling calm, happy & easy about the rest of their lives together.

Dogs Feel Most Secure When You Direct

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Take a Walk with Your Angels & Jeannie
Angel Cowgirl & Channeler
Spiritual Life Guide

Intuitive Medium

Quantum Leaping Co-Pilot
Horse Care Provider
 Professional Dog Walker & Trainer
Wearable Light Technology Sharer


Studded Cowboy Boots
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