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Tools & Resources
for Your Own
Intuitive Adventure!

When Jeannie first began offering the Angel Walks in 2000, she gave each client a comprehensive list of recommended resources as per his/her Angels' and Spirit Guides' unique suggestions. In order to share such helpful tools with many more people world-wide, she's listed her favorite go-to resources here. Her associate links on Amazon (below) will take you directly to purchase so that you can easily and speedily respond to those sudden intuitive nudges you receive. Click around to see what Angel, Spirit Animal and other books, divination card decks and more light up the brightest for you. Enjoy them when they arrive to you! When isn't it fun to receive guidance from your own Angels, Guides and Loved Ones in Spirit? They love to help us amp up our intuitive abilities & flip more of our Light switches to "On"! Goodbye, dimmer switches! Hello, powered-up, ongoing travels!  


Wings Up!!  

Big Love & Hugs,

Jeannie Marie Blaha

Take a Walk with Your Angels & Jeannie
Angel Cowgirl & Channeler
Spiritual Life Guide

Intuitive Medium

Quantum Leaping Co-Pilot
Horse Care Provider
 Professional Dog Walker & Trainer
Wearable Light Technology Sharer


Studded Cowboy Boots
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