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More Tools for You!

With more than 20 years of recommending inspiring books & card decks of Angels, Spirit Animals, Ascended Masters and much more for her Angel clients and friends, Jeannie has many favorites. (See her Amazon associate links Below). You'll find those for Children here, too! Enjoy your intuitive nudges guiding you to the tools that light up most for your own or another beloved's spiritual path. Thank you for stopping by! Happy Travels! 


Wings Up!

Big Love & Hugs,

 Jeannie Marie Blaha

Take a Walk with Your Angels & Jeannie
Angel Cowgirl & Channeler
Spiritual Life Guide

Intuitive Medium

Quantum Leaping Co-Pilot
Horse Care Provider
 Professional Dog Walker & Trainer
Wearable Light Technology Sharer


Studded Cowboy Boots
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