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If You're Guided to Gift It Forward


Jeannie is deeply honored to offer the Angels' services to as many as possible and often donates her intuitive time and energy. If you've received such donated guidance from her and/or feel nudged to help another who may be walking in your similar shoes, you are very welcome to donate to her service.  Jeannie gratefully receives your gifting forward of any amount for another's Angels' answers and  sends you Love, Peace, Joy, Health and Abundance .

Thank You So Much for Your Thoughtful Generosity.


Much Love and Big Hugs,

Your Angel Cowgirl

Jeannie Marie Blaha


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Jeannie Blaha, Donations, Pay It Forward, Gifting, Gift, Angel Walk Gift, Angel Talk Gift, Angel Email Gift

Take a Walk with Your Angels & Jeannie
Angel Cowgirl & Channeler
Spiritual Life Guide

Intuitive Medium

Quantum Leaping Co-Pilot
Horse Care Provider
 Professional Dog Walker & Trainer
Wearable Light Technology Sharer


Studded Cowboy Boots
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