Take a Walk with Your Angels
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What Angel Client Friends
Say About Their Personal
Angel Walk Experience
with Jeannie Marie Blaha
“When meeting Jeannie for the first time I saw a beautiful light around her. She glows from the inside out. Her words of love she shares freely because of her open heart. Her gift of speaking with the angels has helped me with many of life’s crossroads to know I was on my best path. I am grateful for her presence and speaking in the moment. She is the personification of love." ^j^ Michelle W
“Jeannie Blaha not only talks to angels, she is an angel herself. Her sweet, kind and loving demeanor helps to open and support you as you receive communication directly from your angels and guides. Her inspiring guidance and insights will help you as you move forward through life. They will also help you to connect with yourself and your higher guidance.”
^j^ Dr. Rita Louise, medical intuitive, author of “Avoiding The Cosmic 2×4″, "The Power Within” & more. www.soulhealer.com
“My walk with Jeannie was insightful, inspiring, empowering, and most all, delightful! Our time together was the most authentic session of any kind I’ve ever experienced. This is the real thing!”
^j^ T.M.
“Taking a walk with Jeannie opens your channels to receive and be more intimately connected to all the resources of insight that are available to you. She is gentle, extremely positive, heart-centered and grounded. The insight she offers during a session will leave you uplifted and prepared to take action towards reaching your full potential.”
^j^ Amy
“I first heard about Jeannie, and she came highly recommended through a friend of mine. I recently had the privilege of meeting with Jeannie and I was all ears, soaking in all that she was channeling from my angels. I was in the midst of uncertainty, and faced with many decisions in my life. I was amazed at the insight Jeannie had on my past and present life, and she gave me a sense of peace about my future. I felt a direct connection with my angels and felt as though I could have stayed and chatted with Jeannie all day! Jeannie is truly gifted and an absolute joy to be with! I was filled that rainy day with guidance, hope, and lots of bright light! Thanks Jeannie!”
^j^ EC
“I have been working with Jeannie for over nine years. The counsel she provides me gives me peace, focus and often times a new pathway as I navigate life’s journey. My perception is that when people are afraid of taking that first walk, it is because they perceive the experience as having some 'ominous tone.' Nothing could be farther from the truth! Jeannie’s kind and gentle nature lends a sense of serenity that is calming and restful. You will be giving yourself an amazing gift by taking “A Walk with Your Angels.”
^j^ Deborah
“Jeannie is truly an amazingly loving, generous, radiant, enlightened and talented Light Being. Just listening to her voice and her wisdom, is both an uplifting and an empowering experience. I remember a moment when I was going through a rough transition and, without even calling her, she called me to give me a message from my angels. It was exactly what I needed to hear, at exactly the right time. I don’t know how she knew, but she had the ability to sense that something was going on thousands of miles away and, very lovingly, she reached out and gave me hope. Thanks, Jeannie, you are the best!”
^j^ Mike Angulo of www.eflexx.com
“A session with Jeannie is really a spiritual experience. She opens up the
heart, eyes and mind to a wonderful world of possibilities. She helped me
to reach for my true potential and dreams.”
^j^ Lynn G. Brun
“I was blessed to have met Jeannie at a time I was beginning to hear my soul’s voice. She provided a heart connection to my spirit guides that gave me the grace and knowing to conceive my first child, move to the southwest, and see with clarity. I am grateful for Jeannie Blaha, and all that she gives to each person she meets.”
^j^ Kay
“When I have walked with Jeannie and the animals, I found she has a way of telling things that feels like how your best and closest friend would talk with you…highlighting all of the good things! She also gives you a way of thinking with a different outlook. I believe most the time she has helped me work on things in my life that I did not think I could or would do. It is work but it stays with you, and I am thankful we met.”
^j^ G
“An Angel Walk with Jeannie is truly a bit of heaven on earth. I am fully confident that incorporating the insights and perspectives I learned from Jeannie on our angel walk will be instrumental in the successful launch of my business and enrichment of my personal life. She is authentic, passionate and wholly engaging. I am already looking forward to my next walk around the lake!”
^j^ Pam
“Jeannie came highly recommended by a friend who had several Angel Readings done by her. I found I was at one of those “crossroads” in life, and was looking for some advice and validation concerning decisions I needed to make. I found the information Jeannie provided very helpful, even inspirational. She spoke to where I was at, and provided the insights I needed. What impressed me most about Jeannie is she does not focus on negativity, or doom and gloom. She passes along angel-inspired guidance which supports the positive growth of individuals. I have since recommended Jeannie to other friends and co-workers.”
^j^ G. Hansen
"Jeannie is incredible. She was first introduced to me as a close friend and co-worker of my husband. He has since passed away leaving me widowed with six children. I found myself struggling not knowing where to go next and not feeling grounded. I am a body worker and a healer myself only in a different way. I was blown away by the insights, kindness and gentle way our walk was. I now have the courage to pursue my own dreams in life knowing my Leigh is still very much so with me. Thanks so much, blessings."
^j^ T.