Take a Walk with Your Angels
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Who Is That
Quantum Leaping
Angel Cowgirl?
Some of Jeannie's Other Passions
Horses, Dogs, Eagles, All of Nature
Motorcycling, Bicycling
Walking, Yoga, Hiking, Moving Freely
Sharing a Stem Cell Activating Light Technology
Gardening, Rock Hunting, Tree Planting
Cowgirl Boots, High Heels
Cowgirl Hats, Fedoras
Heart-felt Gratitude, Awe, Unreasonable Joy
Music, Om Tones, Singing
Her Big Dreaming Cowboy, Cowdogs
Spirited Encounters, Communications
Learning, Creating, Remembering
All Languages, Cultures, Spiritualities
Laughing, Giggling, Grinning Ear to Ear
Assisting with Lift Offs, Frequency Shifts, Amp Ups
Helping All to Quantum Leap to Their Dream Life
Offering Possibilities and Solutions for Peace & Joy
Sharing Vibrant Health Options and Tools
Imagining, Visualizing, Quantum Leaping
Taking Action When The Chi Nudges or Pulls
Fiercely Encouraging, Believing In and Loving On People
Jeannie doesn't remember a time when she wasn't talking to nature, animals, Spirits and "The Always Happy, Peaceful Ones" who came to visit her often when she was a child. She didn't really give any of her Light Friends any specific title. She was just really glad they were there. When people started to ask her as a teenager about their own, she felt most on purpose. As the years went by, she became very accustomed to being described as "out there". Tee, hee. To be straight up, out there she was met with infinite kindness, care and love. She knew she had far more to quantum leap back "here" for others. She began inviting her friends on what she then called, "Spirit Walks". So much specific info and messaging would pour in for each person. She was thrilled, honored and grateful to share it. On a strong intuitive nudge, Jeannie landed in Venezuela in 1999. There she was told by a whole family on New Year's Eve that they saw many Angels around her at all times. One by one, they sat with her to hear what their Angels & loved ones who'd passed wanted them to know. Aaaahhhh... The Biggest Light Bulb of her life went off for her that night. THOSE were the Light Joy Beings that kept strong watch over her all of these years! When she returned to the US, she bust out laughing as she walked around her house. In fact, people had been gifting her all kinds of Angel items over the years. What had they known all along? She'd always thought of Angels as almost too magnificent, divine & other-worldly for her: How could she have been so lucky as to have "una manada" or "a herd" of Angels accompanying her? She really would have been perfectly happy thinking they were all Spirit Guides. They were fantastic enough! For her, this was a whole new level of amazement for Spirit. She felt even more propelled to help others know of their own steady and constant family of Angels & Spirit Guides, too. When 9/11 happened in the US, she was asked by a dear friend to provide her Spirit Walks as a real business. That many would want to know what the bigger picture was for the US and humanity. How were we meant to evolve through this? How could we all quantum leap to our desired realities from here? Thus, Take a Walk with Your Angels was born and people began to call her, "The Angel Lady".
Thank you so much to all of my past, present and future friends, family and Angel client friends. I am so grateful for your openness, thrill and receptivity with your quantum leaps, Angels, spirit guides, beloveds out of form and me. I am so thankful for your significant Love and Care on this planet. Your being here, present, with your soul gifts matters. I appreciate all of your determination to keep on with your steadfast, rich spirit ways.
Thank You.
In Love & Peace,
Your Angel Cowgirl
desde Arizona,