Take a Walk with Your Angels
Hey, there!
To Book
your desired Angel Date & Time
please use
Jeannie's Online Scheduler.
Jeannie will be in touch
with you very soon!
It's great to have You and Your Spirit along for the ride! Thank you for your Presence. You may be feeling the gargantuan shifts on this planet and are wondering where or how you can remain in the speedier vibes and frequencies. Perhaps you're feeling super blocked personally or professionally in your life, i.e. health, finances, purpose, love, career and/or relationships. Or you may be questioning whether your joy and peace will actually be there when you land your huge quantum leaps. Or whether you have any Angels or Spirit Guides. Or if your loved ones who've passed are with you. Or what to do if your powerful quantum companions dumped you off somewhere along the way. Well, They want you to know right now, That Never Happens! They Never, Ever Leave You. No Matter What.
Receiving a quantum leaping Angel Walk or Phone Talk with Your Angels and Guides may be just the guidance you've been seeking. What if you really can flip all of your life's Light switches back to their strongest "On"? And send any dimmer switches flying? All to make way for this Now You who may be itching to live more empowered and alive than ever! Oh, yeah, you can! After all, no one really came here to drudge along. And your grand openings don't have to be painful and "hard work." The Angels call that "old-agey". There's nothing to "detox" about You. You can fully lift out what are just energy blocks to make way for your vibrant, Essential, Original Self -- and you can do it in Joy and Peace, too. Contrary to what many of us were taught or told, we really can evolve as much through Joy as we can through pain. Because of the frequency of Joy, it's often speedier, too. Due to past programming, you may find yourself consistently choosing "the hard way". Or "the resistant way", as the Angels call it. That's fine, too. There's no shame, "wrong", or "less than" in any which way. Maybe you are absolutely ready for your ideal Unlimited Abundance, Health, Purpose, Career/Business, Heart Partner, Joy, Peace, Sizzling Spirit Connections & Big, BIG Love that are Your Birthrights. You deserve All of Them. Just for choosing to Be Here for this Earth-embodied adventure, yes. This Earth has only One You. Thank you very much for your soul impact. You Matter. Infinitely. I believe in You & would love to assist you with all of your very deserved quantum leaps. You have a right to be here. And you do get to be here as You. Yes!
With Much Love, Big Hugs & Many Joy Flames!
Your Angel Cowgirl and Spiritual Life Guide
desde Texas,
Jeannie Marie Blaha
If you're thinking you're lacking anything or that you're not good enough, you haven't met Your Self yet...
As soon as possible, outgrow everything that holds no Joy or Peace for You!
Thank You for Blazing By!
“I wish I could show you
when you are lonely
or in darkness,
the astonishing Light
of your own being.”
~ Hafiz
"Halfhearted holding back,
well-enough getting by?
Not here."
~Jelal'uddin Rumi
Or for you Frequent Fliers
(or for those who wish
to become One),
join The Wings Up Club!
Receive a
FREE Recorded Angel Audio
OR a
FREE 30 min or 1 hour Angel Call
Every Month for an Entire Year
based on the Monthly
package you select!
Hey, There!
Join Jeannie for a quantum leaping Angel walk, phone talk, or email! Or gift a beloved!
Jeannie would love to help you leap to your entire dream life, accompanied by your Angels, Spirit Guides & Loved Ones out of form.
To Schedule Your Angel Service:
Please use Jeannie's Online Scheduler to book the Angel Service you purchased. If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to Jeannie & she will respond as quickly as she is able.
Thank You Very Much!
Big Love & Hugs,
Jeannie Marie
Your Angel Cowgirl
In Loving Memory of Raja Shikai,
Ginger Girl &
Luca de la Luna,
3 Beloveds who quantum leap
with the Angels
Now, Infinitely
& Everywhere.
From Texas to Minnesota
& All Around The World!
© 2024 Take a Walk with Your Angels, Inc