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Welcome to Your Messages From The Quantum!
Let Your Intuition Select a Number From 1 to 26. 
Then Check Out
The Message

Your Essential Self
Is Sending You Today!

26. The Unpaved Road

26. The Unpaved Road

Are you following roads that just aren't you? Maybe because you've been told that no one else has gone or succeeded the way you're being nudged to go? This is your, "Just GO!" sign from the Universe, your Guides, Angels & that always On Essential Self of yours! Yes! Go!!

25. There Is No Truth In Fear

25. There Is No Truth In Fear

Are you seeing how fast illusion can bring you to distrust your intuition & gut instincts? If it feels off, it is! Don't fall for it! And if you do, get back on your horse named Big Truth as speedily as you can! Keep choosing Love. It's the strongest ride you'll ever live.

24. Your Heart Knows

24. Your Heart Knows

If you're feeling any stress or concern about anything, stop whatever you're doing right now for a moment. Place your hand or both hands on your heart, whichever brings you more peace. Breathe. Deeply inhale, hold for a bit & then robustly exhale. Do this 11 times. Do you notice a difference than before you engaged with your heart? It sends you peace infinitely. Receive Your Peace, Dear One. It's There For You. Always & Forever, Yes.

23. Unforgiveness: The Super Blocker

23. Unforgiveness: The Super Blocker

If you've done 1,111 things to remove the blocks from your desired path & reality & still feel stuck, this might be holding you unknowingly frozen in your past. Give this a go & see how some very old heavy, dense layers fall away with no more effort & struggle. Free Yourself. You deserve it. You deserve to be freed up to move forward & to live All of You!

22. Feeling Alone?

22. Feeling Alone?

To leap to new terrains, you may need to let go of those who are unable to accept your expansion. Because of their own limiting beliefs about themselves, they may be unable to really get or appreciate your vision or you. If you can let go, you may be astounded by how quickly you are welcomed & received by so many others for exaactly who you are becoming. Any belief that your wings were clipped long ago...You've grown them further, actually. You Are Absolutely Ready to Soar Once Again! Fly, Love!

21. Which Direction Are You Facing?

21. Which Direction Are You Facing?

Does the past have its grips on you? Are you letting others' beliefs keep you from living your most magical ones? You arrived without limits on who you knew You Are. Reclaim all of that You. You Are The Miracle You Seek. There Is No Greater One For You Than...You.

20. Being Spiritual AND Kapow!

20. Being Spiritual AND Kapow!

Based on your, "You can't tread on me!" stance, is someone questioning whether you're "that spiritual"? Are you in conflict about it? Being loving & mindful doesn't mean you don't stand up for yourself & others. Even in the midst of a perceived battle, you can still be sending love & care to those involved. Your Kapow ascertains that no one is put or kept in a victim state. When expressed aloud, your Kapow tells others that you value yourself. And that they have a right to value themselves, too.

19. Desire. Intend. Yield. Receive.

19. Desire. Intend. Yield. Receive.

The key is to Let It Be This Easy. If you do, you let in miracles. Anticipate waaaay better than you expect. In this way, you allow miraculous solutions & answers. Everything is possible! Infinity!

18. To What Are You Most Attached?

18. To What Are You Most Attached?

Have you been experiencing a series of hardships? Are you questioning why? Good on you!: Awakening to your awareness that you really didn't come to this planet to suffer is one of your Essential Self's greatest intended joys for you. Consider dumping off (1) source of misery or (1) really not fun aspect in your life today. Step by step, you can set yourself absolutely free. You can derive more pleasure than pain during your entire empowering trek by deciding in favor of your Whole You.

17. Is Your Identity Truly Yours?

17. Is Your Identity Truly Yours?

Are you feeling limited, contained or small in any way? It could be the perrrfect time to cast out anything that you learned or were taught that has you feeling shackled in any way for your life today. Set yourself free. You arrived free & can always return to your Essential Self's absolute, infinite Freedom. Now would be exxxcellent!

16. Not Seeing Eye To Eye?

16. Not Seeing Eye To Eye?

Have you thought that your peace is dependent upon whether or not you agree with someone? What if, instead of focusing on the differences between you today, you remembered what essential aspect(s) struck you when you first met this person? Return to that clear vision & watch how differently you suddenly feel. What changed? Yep. Your perception. Thus, imagine what & who really determines your peace. Beloved, it's you! And you get to be with as much peace as you decide today.

1. You Get To Outgrow That!

1. You Get To Outgrow That!

Give yourself permission to outgrow all that is not Joy or Peace for You!

2. There Is No Greater Gift

2. There Is No Greater Gift

Your Essential Self has always known. Now, you can, too.

3. How Close Is Your Purpose?

3. How Close Is Your Purpose?

The closer you just know, know, know that It Is, the more You just might hear this...

4. You Get To Get Paid For You!

4. You Get To Get Paid For You!

From your Essential Self's perspective, & that of your Angels & Guides, too, it is not either be a really good person or be rewarded well for your service, talents or gifts It's AND! You do get to be paid for exaaaactly who you AND for all of your grand service to this planet. Accept your abundance for your rich Spirit ways. Today would be exxxxcellent! Yes!

6. What If You Are Ready!

6. What If You Are Ready!

Did you know? You were born perfect! Awake! And as ready as you've ever been! All not-enoughness was learned. You can uncreate & delete it from your perception anytime, anywhere. Now would be fabulous!

5. The Most Direct Question

5. The Most Direct Question

Perhaps you're questioning a relationship & your decision's impact. If you ask this question, the answer that will most benefit all may be suddenly very clear.

9. Accepting Your Value

9. Accepting Your Value

It's not a question of whether or not you are valuable. It's whether you will let in all that matches your infinite worth. You deserve because you were born. That's All that you "needed to do" to be valuable. All of that Abundance? That's The Real You.

8. Your Superpower Since Birth

8. Your Superpower Since Birth

Did you know you really do have at least one superpower? Think of Everything you love right now in your life. It was once only in your imagination. See how powerful it is? So if things seem stuck, you may have stopped imagining that which you do desire. Don't remember what it felt like? Put yourself in the presence of children & listen to their active co-creations. Then decide to let go of any of those lack, limitation or resistance thoughts that are blocking yours.

7. No Darkness Can Unless

7. No Darkness Can Unless

No matter what we experience, we determine whether we will allow any darkness to have power over us. As soon as we decide to connect stronger to our Essential Self & all of its absolute light, we do. Just our intention leaps us back to It. Then, as soon as we leap It into our current reality, we are back, too.

10. Adios, Depression

10. Adios, Depression

Every one of us lived in joy & peace prior to any depression or anxiety. Just as one learns to be depressed, it is possible to deprogram ourselves from it. The Angels say that actively creating is the quickest way to shift from its very slow frequency to a much happier, speedier one. What could you create today?

11. Crisis? Or Reinvention?

11. Crisis? Or Reinvention?

What if we were to consider a job "loss", home "emergency", love "break up", or other state of crisis differently? Where might our Essential Self immediately lead us to help adjust our frequency back up to our Infinite Possibility? Ever experience "The Worst Thing Ever!" to discover later that it may have been one of the most beneficial pivots your life has ever launched? If you're experiencing what feels to be a crisis today, imagine, instead, that you are now in the middle of a reinvention...

12. Anticipate, Instead.

12. Anticipate, Instead.

What if, instead of dreading change, we anticipated it with great glee? We did, once upon a time. Until we were taught or conditioned to believe that change is hard work, painful & that it means losing something we might still want. Your Essential Self says otherwise. Can you hear all of that peace & joy? Aaahhh...

13. Remember Your Child Eyes

13. Remember Your Child Eyes

If things are feeling a bit cold & lonely, remember your Eyes Of Wonder. You gazed with them every day once upon a time. If you can't remember, quantum leap & look through them. Perhaps it last was in a concurrent lifetime. Then, jump that Knowing back into your Now. That reality can be now, too. No one "outgrows" their child eyes of wonder. They are your Superpower for living all of your Desired Reality aspects. See. Then receive & say Yes! to activating what they Know. You Get To Remember You.

14. You Picked Perfectly For You

14. You Picked Perfectly For You

Feeling like you don't fit this planet right now? Expand & let yourself shift up again so that you can again recognize You. Other frequency states don't have to become yours. You get to decide. Your Own Home Sweet Perfect Home. Pssst. It's You.

15. See Who's Accompanying You

15. See Who's Accompanying You

If things are feeling a bit stuck or that you can't quite seem to move forward, look around while you look within. You may have inadvertently anchored yourself within the frequencies of a reality you don't really desire. With whomever you feel most alive & in your joy, keep celebrating that company! Let go of the rest. You are not here to "fix" anyone. That's ego. Not soul. Set yourself free. No excuses. Except for 1 maybe: "Excuse me. It's time for me to go. Selamat Ja!" Be In Joy!

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