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To Connect with Jeannie

Jeannie Blaha, Contact Jeannie, Contact to Schedule, Schedule Dog Walk Service, Schedule Dog Training, Schedule Angel Walk, Schedule Angel Talk, Schedule Angel Email, Schedule

To Schedule Your Purchased Quantum Leaping 

Angel Walk or Talk,  Please:




If you have questions regarding any Angel Service or need assistance with the online Scheduler,

please fill out

the Contact Form.

Jeannie will respond

 as soon as she is able.  

Thank you so much!








Thank You So Much! Enjoy Your Angel-filled Day!

Take a Walk with Your Angels & Jeannie
Angel Cowgirl & Channeler
Spiritual Life Guide

Intuitive Medium

Quantum Leaping Co-Pilot
Horse Care Provider
 Professional Dog Walker & Trainer
Wearable Light Technology Sharer


Studded Cowboy Boots
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